Friday, March 25, 2005

France 2005 - Day 4 - Paris

  • To the Louvre! - Shannon in heaven - Dave getting greener by the minute - regretting Tandoori chicken of evening before
  • Shan looks around the ancient foundations - Dave curls fetally in an alcove
  • Shan gazes at medieval tapestries + Dutch oils - Dave enforces non-smoking policy for French teens in Louvre restroom
  • Dave rests moaning in the sunny forecourt of the Louvre - Shan digs up high school French to explain to local pharmacist that her mari is malade and wants to vomit
  • Armed with drugs of questionable effectiveness, Dave heads back to apartment - makes deposits in two Métro trashcans on the way - falls into miserable non-slumber @ "home"
  • Shan joins Björn + Jenny in search for the Catacombs - after much navigating of twisty streets, discover the Catacombs are closed (they were closed when we were here in 2000, too, but because of flooding that time) - foiled!
  • Shan walks most of the way back to the apartment - beautiful day
  • More halting French pharmacy talk to obtain actual working drugs
  • Picnic dinner @ apartment

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