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- Short coastal walk near St. Malo

- Into St. Malo
- Lunched on local specialty - galettes - yum!
- Sightseeing

- Winters must be long in Bavaria, for we learned yet more variations of last night's card game - good fun - sad to be leaving tomorrow morning - will definitely return!
- Biked in + around Brocéliande Forest - a bit muddy - fun! (Shan) - kill me now! (Dave)
- More drunken Bavarian cards - once we "mastered" the original game Björn started adding variations - more hilarity when Jenny bluffed her own partner (Shan) instead of opponents
- Gorgeous + long coastal walk to Cap Fréhel lighthouse and Fort La Latte - stunning

- Drove to Bretagne
- Dave recuping admirably
- Stopped @ Chartres on the way - awesome windows - cold weather outside and in gives authentic cathedral experience - great old "Salmon House" inn in old town

- Checked into 3-floor holiday apartment near Dinard - nice - squeaky spiral stairs - Dave + Shan settle into top dormer room
- Groceries! - 6-pack of French cheeses only 10 Euros - local hard cider - chocolate - bread - veg - wine
- Bretagne is beautiful - cool + misty + ethereal - now understand why Bretons who fled across the Channel settled on Cornish coast - would love to spend October through March here
- Once we were tipsy on local cider, Björn taught us a convoluted Bavarian card game - much hilarity ensued
- To the Louvre! - Shannon in heaven - Dave getting greener by the minute - regretting Tandoori chicken of evening before
- Shan looks around the ancient foundations - Dave curls fetally in an alcove
- Shan gazes at medieval tapestries + Dutch oils - Dave enforces non-smoking policy for French teens in Louvre restroom
- Dave rests moaning in the sunny forecourt of the Louvre - Shan digs up high school French to explain to local pharmacist that her mari is malade and wants to vomit
- Armed with drugs of questionable effectiveness, Dave heads back to apartment - makes deposits in two Métro trashcans on the way - falls into miserable non-slumber @ "home"
- Shan joins Björn + Jenny in search for the Catacombs - after much navigating of twisty streets, discover the Catacombs are closed (they were closed when we were here in 2000, too, but because of flooding that time) - foiled!
- Shan walks most of the way back to the apartment - beautiful day
- More halting French pharmacy talk to obtain actual working drugs
- Picnic dinner @ apartment
- Rainy spring day
- Searched around Champs Elysées for a custom perfumerie - no luck - apparently you have to go to Italy for that now - but spent some time in Sephora discovering scent families - will go to the Sephora in San Antonio for further research!
- Musée D'Orsay - good to see the polar bear again :) - liked the impressionist painting + art nouveau furnishings exhibits
- Latin Quarter + nearby gardens
- Dinner @ Indian restaurant near apartment - Dave has the chicken (forboding music here...)
- Arrive @ CDG Aeroport
- Met by Björn + Jenny (nice!) in their cool new car (nice!)
- Drove to apartment in Paris suburb of L'Hay-Les-Roses
- Lunch in local bistro
- Shower + nap!
- Metro into Paris for dinner @ La Coupole - awesome original works on walls and columns - Dave has prepaid for a multicourse gourmet meal - Shannon's first escargots (like garlicky mushrooms - yum!) and crème brulée (huge! - couldn't finish it) - leisurely 3-hr dinner
- Nice walk around the area before heading back
- So we're dropping our visiting friend Faith off at the airport (here's Faith at one of San Antonio's missions)

- Faith gives Shannon a gift for her birthday tomorrow - a Lonely Planet France guidebook - Whaaaaa? - and a card (here's the card - verse à la Faith)

- Dave's pulled off one of the best surprise birthday gifts EVER - STUD! - he and Faith have packed my backpack and it's waiting in the truck - we're off!